Posts Tagged with: UX/UI

Building A Better Website

How to build a better website isn’t too hard if you know what you are doing and have knowledge of the search engines. So let me tell a quick story. Years ago I worked for someone that made the statement “any dumb***” could build a website.” Well they were incredibly wrong and somewhat right. With … Continue reading “Building A Better Website”

Typography In Design

Typography in design isn’t thought of as a design element. You think of illustrated graphics, images and video. But the type font isn’t often considered with those. Typography in design isn’t thought of as a design element. Here’s how to think more about typography in your design and how you can use it. 90% of … Continue reading “Typography In Design”

It’s just a website, except that it’s not

I’ve worked in the industry of web design and marketing for about 10 years now and I’m amazed at how often I still hear “it’s just a website.” Both within and from the outside of the world of design and marketing. What’s the video below to listen to the latest presentation from working at Baltimore … Continue reading “It’s just a website, except that it’s not”

Designing Search Results Pages

I bet you thought this was a post about search engine optimization. I’m sorry to disappoint you. But I do have other articles you can read on that later. For this post it’s all about users searching on your website. The most common place users use this feature is on sites with many articles and … Continue reading “Designing Search Results Pages”

UX Design – Part 3 – Emotionally Purposed Design

Emotionally Purposed Designs can drive users into either loving or hating a product. These designs can also make their users feel more comfortable with their decision. Design and emotion sometimes go hand in hand. Which is why seasoned designers are not as married to projects as newer designers. Because emotion driven design also affects designers … Continue reading “UX Design – Part 3 – Emotionally Purposed Design”

UX Design – Data Based Design

Some things occur in a room that create an atmosphere so thick, you could cut through it with a knife. When you place designers and data marketers in a room, such things happen. Finding a balance is crucial when doing data based design. Designer Douglas Bowman resigned his position at Google over its over-reliance on … Continue reading “UX Design – Data Based Design”

UX Design – Part 1 Design For Delight

Does your design team concern themselves about evoking positive emotion for the customer? Do they go beyond customer expectations in delivering awesome experiences? if they do, then those people will want to tell the world about you. If they design for themselves, then customers will tell the world nothing. This is part one, in our … Continue reading “UX Design – Part 1 Design For Delight”

4 Things To Consider When Redesigning Your Website

I want to offer some things to consider when redesigning your website. Most clients that come to me want an updated look and feel to gain more traction on the web and increase their customer base. All of these goals can be attained, and are realistic, but there are some things that need to be … Continue reading “4 Things To Consider When Redesigning Your Website”