Posts Tagged with: Content Marketing

The Dirty Secret of Page Builders

Web design is like any other trade or craft it is not something that they do because they are starving artist and love it. They do it because they need to make money and put food on the table. But they do love it otherwise they wouldn’t of gotten into it in the first place. … Continue reading “The Dirty Secret of Page Builders”

Copywriting and Web Design

Your website copy tone of voice is just as important as the rest of the design. Using words creatively is fine but with care. Let’s talk about copywriting and web design. The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design People do not read web copy the same way that they read print (i.e. brochures, pamphlets, etc.). … Continue reading “Copywriting and Web Design”

Digital Leave Behinds – One of the Most Important Tools in Your Toolbox

A leave behind is a physical object that you leave behind to help the prospect remember you and your company after an in-person sales call. Many of us in sales give our prospects a sales packet, or email a bunch of documents in the hopes that our prospect will read them later. Leave behinds are an … Continue reading “Digital Leave Behinds – One of the Most Important Tools in Your Toolbox”

5 Tips for Getting Testimonials

Getting testimonials is difficult to time the ask. Ninety-two percent of consumers say they trust word-of-mouth recommendations above all other forms of advertising, according to Nielsen. Needless to say, customer testimonials are among the most effective marketing tools available, because they: Serve as social proof. Build credibility and trust. Transcend platforms and marketing channels. Allow … Continue reading “5 Tips for Getting Testimonials”

Data-Driven Marketing: Media Plan Considerations

People have so much different content hitting them at any one time that it is difficult for your customers to filter out the noise and hear your story. To really be successful, you need to target your content to your consumer several times along different media channels (TV, Radio, Targeted Display, and Targeted Mobile Display, … Continue reading “Data-Driven Marketing: Media Plan Considerations”

Myths About WordPress

There are a lot of myths about WordPress out there. Many of these are generated because of simply not having enough experience or education about WordPress. I’ve heard every argument or theory claimed, from that it is “bloated” to not being secure, and I’ve even debated many of these topics. Today, we’re going to be busting … Continue reading “Myths About WordPress”