Want To Get More Likes On Your Facebook Page?

Want To Get More Likes On Your Facebook Page?

Getting more likes on your Facebook page won’t guarantee more sales or higher revenue, but that shouldn’t stop you from investing the time and effort. Here I’ll share a couple of things that got me from 120 or so likes to 163 in a week.

The List To Get More Likes On Your Facebook Page

  1. Recommend
  2. Invite your friends
  3. Ask others to invite their friends
  4. Partner with other pages
  5. Be Social, the 80/20% rule

Recommend, Invite and Just Ask

It’s hard to ask for anything from anybody. At least for me.

But that’s really what I did. Ask your friends, and friends that have pages, to recommend your page. Mutual recommendations and shares always trigger those to share you.


Partner with your friends that have pages and team up and share each other’s pages posts. Cross promote or come up with a clever offer or game that requires participation from fans of both pages.

It’s a community. No business page should be an island.

Step 5

If your page is all about business and no fun then you aren’t social. Think of the other popular pages out there. Not all are about business or their particular topic. But they do share clean fun that seems to get people interested in seeing the real person, or a brand, that actually is more human than about numbers and revenue.

Be Social, the 80/20% Rule

If you never share others content, don’t expect them to share you. I know you want to get your name out there and have a bunch of likes but honestly put others first and you’ll get the likes you’re looking for.


That’s all I really did and I continue to do when I have time. Social media is a huge time suck. You have to plan and strategize and not just go out there willy-nilly and expect results.

Of everything about this remember it is social media not market media, have fun show your personality.


I have been in marketing and technology for more than 20 years and have worked in many industries and worn many hats. From independent consultant, to cooking school, to establishing technology centers, it was a Spirit led adventure that landed me in the president & owner’s seat at Element 502.

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