The Difference between UX Design and Web Design

The Difference between UX Design and Web Design

In a industry where the lines to the customer are blurred about the differences in web. It’s hard to discern the difference between Web Design vs UX Design. Not to mention a web developer, UX designer it gets confusing with all the overlap.

I recently had a conversation with someone about a website that we were viewing. The two of us were very far apart on cost. His view was that for a less than a few thousand dollars he could get the same design. He missed the intentionality and strategy that went into that design.

Web Design vs UX Design

UX Designers move from concept to reality with designs. They look at users and context of the content, not just the visual aspects of websites. They strategize based on data and trends for users for that specific industry, web designers approach it from a more broader approach as the entire web industry not the specific clients site needs and users.

Web Designers

Web designers are visual, they look at the content, but not users or context of the content. For them it’s purely a visual experience, not user specific. Unlike UX Designers, Web Designers will look at your brands colors, font choices and content choices to align things so that you’re not communicating online two different narratives to customers.

Here’s a infographic to clear somethings up.

Web Design vs UX Design

From Visually.

So which is better, Web Design vs UX Design?

Both, you can’t have one without the other to make a website perform. As with the conversation I had with the gentlemen who was just simply misinformed, websites are not just websites.

Websites are a responsibility that both the owner and your agency have to share. If design control is lost because of customer preferences, it’s a part of the beast that is the industry we are in.

Subjectivity and Objectivity rarely are clarified when strong opinions are present. That’s why UX Designers will talk directly, and frankly to business owners about their (the business owner) choices they would like to see on their sites.

Have you had a full consultation about your website? If you would like one please contact us to see the difference between just getting a website vs getting a website that performs.

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I have been in marketing and technology for more than 20 years and have worked in many industries and worn many hats. From independent consultant, to cooking school, to establishing technology centers, it was a Spirit led adventure that landed me in the president & owner’s seat at Element 502.

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