Facebook Instant Articles

Facebook Instant Articles

Introducing Facebook Instant Articles, a new tool for publishers to create fast, interactive articles on Facebook. Have you ever been to Facebook and tapped on an article to read, only to spend the next 8 seconds (which feels like a full minute) waiting for it to load? Well no longer. Facebook is rolling out Facebook Instant Articles.


According to Facebook you can use already existing tools and markup language, standard HTML and RSS feeds to scale entire content libraries in the Instant Articles format and provide a fast, interactive experience for all of your readers on Facebook. So far the Instant Articles are available to the following publishers:

For further information about Instant Articles, visit instantarticles.fb.com.



I have been in marketing and technology for more than 20 years and have worked in many industries and worn many hats. From independent consultant, to cooking school, to establishing technology centers, it was a Spirit led adventure that landed me in the president & owner’s seat at Element 502.

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