Facebook Audiences

Facebook Audiences

Custom Audiences enables you to connect with your most valuable Facebook audiences. This is a targeting capability to reach existing customers and prospects. Not new ones.

Custom Facebook Audiences target a particular group of your customers. Use what you already know about them. Thus tailoring your messaging to personalize the experience and encourage action.


Building a Custom Audience segment based on where your customers are in the funnel. Custom Audiences provide a way to adjust your marketing strategy depending on how familiar your audience is with your brand and where they are in the purchase funnel.

You also should segment your audiences by pages visited, time, frequency, devices used, and more. Identify and reach people who have viewed a video, engaged with a Canvas ad, or started filling out your lead ad form. But don’t get discouraged if users don’t watch all of your video. Video is tough, and most videos are viewed 3 seconds.

Complement your email or direct mail campaigns.

You can use Custom Audiences built from your email or mailing list to complement your other digital and print campaigns. Reach customers who don’t open an email or amplify your direct mail message by reinforcing that message on Facebook. We can also use geofencing and other mobile technology to reach your audience outside the social network.

Target customers who have demonstrated intent to purchase

Implement the Facebook pixel on your website to gain insight into customer intent. With that data, you can target people based on the specific actions taken on your website and reach them on Facebook. Then re-market to people who abandoned their shopping cart with messaging that drives them back to complete the purchase. To further drive value, you can cross-sell or up-sell to people who recently purchased items online.

Target customers across devices

Facebook can reach people across multiple devices, which can help you drive conversions. Consider cross-device conversions to ensure you’re sending the right message to the right people on the right device, based on where they are in the conversion funnel.

For example, if you know your customers are more likely to convert on desktop, target with clear calls to action on the web. You can view your cross-device conversions by enabling the cross-device view in Facebook ads reporting.

Use quality data to build your Custom Audiences

When using Custom Audiences from a data file, you will have a better match rate with the people on Facebook when using higher quality data (Ex. complete email addresses, newer data).

Are you looking to advertise on Facebook? Let us know your story and leave a comment below.

I have been in marketing and technology for more than 20 years and have worked in many industries and worn many hats. From independent consultant, to cooking school, to establishing technology centers, it was a Spirit led adventure that landed me in the president & owner’s seat at Element 502.

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