Posts Tagged with: WordPress Plugins

Plugin Review: WooCommerce

WooCommerce is the most popular e-commerce plugin that I know of in repository. As of this post it has over 1 million installations online using it. Currently WooCommerce has gone through a lot of changes in it’s development, mostly because of it’s acquisition by Automattic earlier in the year of WooCommerce. Here are the stats on … Continue reading “Plugin Review: WooCommerce”

How To Pick A Plugin

Picking a plugin for your WordPress can be a little intimidating if you aren’t sure what plugin is the best and which one will not break your site. Fortunately the folks at Automattic (WordPress) know this, and here’s a few things you can do before downloading and installing a plugin. Here’s how to pick a Plugin … Continue reading “How To Pick A Plugin”

Plugin Review: Pretty Links Plugin

Hello everyone, it’s time again for another WordPress Plugin Review, this time it’s about the plugin– Pretty Links There are two versions of this plugin, the Lite version (on and the Pro version. While there are a ton of features for the free Lite version, there are advantages to the Pro that you may … Continue reading “Plugin Review: Pretty Links Plugin”

WordPress Sidebar Manager Plugins

WordPress sidebars can be cumbersome to use if you have a lot of content to display on your site. Sidebars have been used for secondary content to show users an internal navigation or calls to actions like signing up for a newsletter. A sidebar is essentially a column provided by a theme for displaying information … Continue reading “WordPress Sidebar Manager Plugins”

Can You Have Too Many WordPress Plugins?

Can You Have Too Many WordPress Plugins? The answer to that question might surprise you. Plugins are what makes a WordPress website do more without hiring a developer. However, there are a couple of caveats to this. Plugins are script that you can use on your site to give that (brace for market lingo), POP. With WordPress … Continue reading “Can You Have Too Many WordPress Plugins?”

What Happens If You Don’t Update WordPress

It’s amazing how many times I get asked to help out on a site and find a version of WordPress that is 2 or even 4 versions behind. WordPress developers work hard improving and updating the CMS so that it is easier to use, faster and more secure. So why update WordPress? If you are … Continue reading “What Happens If You Don’t Update WordPress”