Geofencing Location Based Advertising

It’s advertising that’s more personal.

Users are shifting away from there desktops to their mobile devices. Now it’s time for brand marketers to do that too. With geofencing location based advertising technology it’s possible to reach them where they are.

What Is A Geofence?

geofence allows you to target mobile devices in a physical location. Think of it like this — draw a circle on a map, anyone one inside the circle during a specified date and time gets your ads served to their mobile devices. Whether at an event or at your location, you can focus on getting your message to the right customer by targeting where they are.

IP Targeting

Need to send targeted ads to potential customers at a event on a Thursday at the Yum Center? IP Targeting is the process of targeting internet advertising to specific households based on their internet protocol address (which is the string of numbers assigned to your internet connection by your internet service provider)

mobile targeting ads
mobile targeting ads examples

How are you different from other IP targeting services?

IP Targeting allows you to send digital ads to a specific physical address. To begin, you establish the physical addresses of the houses and/or businesses you would like to target. We then match that address to our database to get the IP address of that address.

These ads show on any device plugged into the router or connected to the Wi-Fi. This targeting is no longer a geofence, but a specific home or business. The ads only show when connected to the router.

Mobile Audience Targeting

Mobile audience targeting allows marketers to reach the right audience segment with the right message at the right time everywhere they are online across all devices.

Prime Target Demographic

Sampled from a high value audience — ideal customers, qualifications, interests that are suited for your campaign.

Look-a-Like Pool

We look for similar interests, behaviors and qualifications to execute a precise campaign towards your prospects.

Create campaign and deliver ads

Ads now appear on apps and devices for the audience that is looking for your service or product, not just anyone.

Audience Targeting is your highest precision targeting. Once you establish your demographic, we find those mobile devices that match your target. We then send digital ads to these devices, regardless of geography. Conversion and tracking happen through landing pages and pixel tracking. This truly puts only the eyes you want on the ads they need.