Digital Marketing & Online Advertising

Choosing the Formula

The key to any digital marketing campaign build is our tried and tested formula.

Right Customer + Right Message = Leads.

If any part of the equation is off, the result is unpredictable. That’s where we come in. Using your knowledge, our tools, your experience, and our talents, we create a plan. Along the way we discuss how to measure effectiveness and success. If it’s not repeatable, it’s not science!

Selecting the Environment

It takes finding the right environment to make anything grow. Your marketing campaign and resulting leads is are no different. Based on your project, we’ll recommend the best locations to place your ads. Whether digital marketing, traditional marketing, or a combination of both, we’re here to help. After all, you’re the brand genius. Once the environment is identified, we work to seed it with your message.

Tools for the Job

We’ll recommend our best tools based on your campaign. Here’s a short list of what we keep on the workbench:


IP Targeting

Google AdWords



Behavioral Targeting

Office Workplace Title


IP Targeting

Google AdWords



Behavioral Targeting

Office Workplace Title

Finding the Components

Making sure you are speaking to the right customer with the right message is key to your campaign’s performance. How do you know your right customer?

Start by asking yourself these questions:

  • Who are your best customers now?
  • Who are the customers really want?

We then create a persona, or narrative description, about that customer. From there employ multiple tools to formulate a campaign structure. Once we are locked in, we can produce your messaging.

The tone and graphic elements of your messaging create the attraction between your prospect and your brand. Our team of graphic designers will use your branding and agreed upon messaging to create and plan the elements of your campaign. All along this path we are listening to you and your vision and speaking into it based on our experience. We create variations to test your campaign and make sure it performs at the highest effectiveness.

It’s Alive!

When the work is done, testing is in place, and the environment is identified, we hit the gas and go. Like our friend Doc Brown said, “Get this baby up to 88 MPH and see something awesome.” Iconic as it was, we don’t use a DeLorean. Instead, we use customizable dashboards to create the monitoring needed to measure effectiveness and report on the results.

Throughout the process, we are adjusting where needed and watching for changes. We look to you for feedback on the quality of the traffic being produced, as well as the conversion of leads into closed opportunities.

The Chain Reaction

When it all comes together, it’s just like highly charged gas molecules bouncing off each other. Your messaging continues to excite your potential customer. More and more people hear your message, and you reap the benefits. It’s digital targeting at its best: Using our tools and experience to deliver messages to the people you want to hear it most.